SALE Quick view Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack 8 - Nocturne Retail Price: CAD $49.95 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $33.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Daedalus Fall (Book) Retail Price: CAD $99.95 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $54.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Third Offensive (Book) Retail Price: CAD $69.95 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $52.50
SALE Quick view Infinity Miyamoto Mushashi - Aristeia Outfit (RS/AF) - Mercenaries Retail Price: CAD $35.00 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $23.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Mercenarios Joe Scarface Turner - Mercenary Tag Retail Price: CAD $15.50 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $10.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Dire Foes Mission Pack 8 - Nocturne Dire Foes missions come back with its 8th edition including the main character from the Outrage comic. This box contains three miniatures - Knauf, Outlaw Sniper, the Security Chief Arslan, leader of the Druze Bayram Security, and an NGO Volunteer.This... Retail Price: CAD $49.95 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $33.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Daedalus Fall (Book) Rise and fall of the Tohaa! Years ago, the Tohaa arrived on Paradiso to help humanity fight the Combined Army, but they also had a hidden agenda. The Triumvirate, a Tohaa shadow government, is waging a dirty war against the EI in which Paradiso and... Retail Price: CAD $99.95 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $54.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Third Offensive (Book) A new book for Infinity. In it we can find all the details of the Third Offensive. Is Paradiso on the ropes? What’s the new threat to the Human Sphere? Enjoy the new rules, new Sectorial Armies and Fireteams.Start of... Retail Price: CAD $69.95 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $52.50
SALE Quick view Infinity Miyamoto Mushashi - Aristeia Outfit (RS/AF) - Mercenaries Box with: 1x MIYAMOTO MUSHASHI (AP CCW) 1x MIYAMOTO MUSHASHI (EXP CCW) Shinmen Musashi no Kami Fujiwara no Genshin (1584?-1645), who chose as his adult name the town where he was born, Miyamoto, was a famous Japanese master swordsman... Retail Price: CAD $35.00 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $23.95
SALE Quick view Infinity Mercenarios Joe Scarface Turner - Mercenary Tag “You can say a prayer, but it’d better be short, because I’ll have you all killed before you finish a long one.”Quote attributed to Joe “Scarface” Turner. Union Revolts of the Jupiter-Pluto circuit.“Joe!... Retail Price: CAD $15.50 Our Price: Our Price: CAD $10.95